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How do I become a member? What is a chair? What are the graduation requirements? 


Sign up at Club Rush! Don't forget to put in all your information when signing up! Typing up your name and email is very important if you want to be a member. Our secretary will add your name to a spreadsheet that will count your hours, and your email will be added to a google group so that you will receive event emails from the cabinet. Not receiving emails? Talk to one of the cabinet members, and they will add you to the google group!


Do NOT forget to pay your dues at the Finance Office! If dues are not paid, you will not be allowed to volunteer and collect your hours! Not sure if you are a paid dues member? You can check on the spreadsheet that our secretary sends with the monthly hours emails.


WHO? Becoming chair is voluntary, and one can sign-up through the sign-up spreadsheet that is attached to all the Directors of Activities' event emails. Chairs will receive an additional 0.5 hours!


WHAT? A chair keeps track of everyone who attends a volunteer event and ensures that everyone receives hours.


WHY? Having a chair at every volunteer event is very important! The chair ensures that everyone who volunteered receives deserving hours. Also, chairs help our secretary keep track of the number of hours volunteered.


HOW? Chairs will have to fill out an ADF form and email the ADF to our secretary! ADFs could be found on the DoAs' emails or the secretary's monthly hours updates. Be sure to read the instructions carefully!



 STOLE: 200 total hours by senior year deadline, with at least any two years of at least 50 hours each, and attend 4 DCMs per year 


MEDALLION: 150 total hours by senior year deadline and need to attend 2 DCMs total


CORD: 100 total hours by senior year deadline and need to attend 1 DCM total

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